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See recommended productsArmasight 3 helmet tactical mount for night vision devices
180,46 $ VAT included
Extremely convenient mounting of the night vision device to a broad range of helmets used both in professional applications (police, army) and amateur (ASG, field games). Adjusted to handle the following night vision devices by Armasight company: Ninox, Spark, Spark-X and Spark-G.
Thanks to the application of mounting straps, it is possible to mount the night vision device in a stable and convenient way so as to enable convenient observation. The design allows for putting the night vision goggles up, when there is no need to use it at a given moment.
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Availability: On order
132,20 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
284,21 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
873,87 $ (brutto)
Availability: There are not enough products in stock
1 280,67 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
615,22 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
158,66 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
797,28 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
764,64 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
31,39 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
683,71 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
288,78 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
156,94 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
966,78 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
199,63 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
1 357,14 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
239,70 $ (brutto)
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