Police drug tests verify the sobriety status of drivers in a very short time and with high efficiency. The selection of the right equipment and its proper use are key to increasing road safety, as well as public safety. Find out about the best models ...
Have you ever wondered why your savings are suddenly disappearing from your account? An inconspicuous shopping trip or ATM withdrawal can become the start of a nightmare. Skimming, a subtle and sophisticated technique for stealing payment card data, is gaining popularity among cybercriminals. In today’s ...
Surveillance technology is becoming more popular and widely available every year. Thus, anti-espionage devices are constantly developing. Not sure which detector to choose? Check out our ranking of wiretap detectors for 2024 including the best models, tests, reviews and expert opinions!Best wiretap detectors – what ...
They do not leave the president’s side. They are armed with deadly weapons which they do not hesitate to use. They go through a series of demanding tests and training to defend the head of state and even give their lives for him. These are ...
A camera hidden in the peephole is an increasingly popular solution that has already replaced the classic ‘judas’ in many homes. In addition to the convenience and possibility of remote viewing behind the door, it increases our security against burglars, stalkers and other intruders. However, ...
Phone monitoring is one of the most common methods of surveillance. Anyone can fall victim to it – from well-known politicians or CEOs of major companies to you and your loved ones. To avoid espionage and protect your privacy, it’s worth familiarising yourself with the ...
Using platforms like Facebook or Instagram, we agree to share sensitive data with them. It is no different with TikTok – a Chinese service that literally tracks your every move online. Deluding ourselves into thinking otherwise would be naive – the creators themselves have confirmed ...
Airplane mode on a phone is a standard option that every model is equipped with. It is also increasingly common in laptops and other mobile devices. Nowadays, the applications of this feature definitely go beyond its classic purpose. Find out what airplane mode is used ...
Securing a company against corporate espionage requires awareness of the problem. Unfortunately, many businesses are too busy to carry out protective measures in this area. If you are one of the busy businesspeople, catch up and read the article below. Learn about the 9 most ...
Surveillance is an increasingly common problem that we can encounter both personally and professionally. The key to protecting privacy is to take appropriate preventive measures. Check out our experts’ suggestions and find out how to choose the right bug detector!Counter surveillance is a growing field. ...
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In daily life we often encounter difficult and delicate problems. This blog was designed with proper and accessible solutions to these problems in mind. The experience we gathered during 7 years of running Detective Store chain makes us experts in the field of security.
Detective Store is a chain of detective shops operating on the market since 2007. Our aim is to provide our customers with high-quality equipment and professional technical service. Trained staff guarantees individual approach to our customers’ needs. Every year, more and more customers put trust in our products.