Global Positioning system has been used for a long time in a variety of ways. It has been invented in the United States of America in the 1970s. With 31 satellites circulating around the Earth, it is possible to determine the coordinates of specific objects with ...
The 8mn8th Academy Awards of 2016 has ended and Leonardo DiCaprio finally received his first Oscar for ‘The Revenant‘ which enchants with scenery. This is a perfect occasion to show how film production has changed over the years.Cinematography perfectly illustrates development of technology and on ...
Detective Store has prepared a short presentation on the Global Positioning System where we present some facts concerning the very popular method of localization with GPS. You will learn about its accuracy, applications and technologies it uses as well as whether it has any competition. ...
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In daily life we often encounter difficult and delicate problems. This blog was designed with proper and accessible solutions to these problems in mind. The experience we gathered during 7 years of running Detective Store chain makes us experts in the field of security.
Detective Store is a chain of detective shops operating on the market since 2007. Our aim is to provide our customers with high-quality equipment and professional technical service. Trained staff guarantees individual approach to our customers’ needs. Every year, more and more customers put trust in our products.