Area 51 is one of the most closely guarded places on Earth. Just a few years ago, the US government denied its very existence, trying to hold back as much information as possible. What is it exactly and how can one get there? What is ...
Almost every Internet portal requires us to sign up in order to browse through its content. The largest of portals contain millions of personal data sets, passwords, telephone numbers etc. Such a database can seem like a treat worth the effort for the hackers! Are ...
In every parent‘s life it comes to the moment when his child is independent enough to go on a summer camp. The stress and anxiety for every mother and father – guaranteed! A proverb ‘little children – little problems, big children – big problems‘ is ...
According to reports released this year, nearly 50% of entrepreneurs were victims of economic crime. This often results in leakage of strategic data, and it turns out that better protection is essential. Except, how should it be done? The danger of losing confidential data concerns ...
Spying is fashionable. Lately, Germans realized this when information about Angela Merkel‘s spying by the Nation Security Agency (NSA) came to light. Our western neighbors have taken actions to encrypt messages and information with typewriters. Returning to Enigma times? We do not know that. But ...
Visited websites, messages, all kinds of files and everything we do on a computer can be checked without professional software. A nosy boss or suspicious partner can check our computer in a few seconds. Full administrator access Probably our office computer logs on to the ...
A picture often says more than a thousand words. Tools enabling recording pictures can be useful in various applications. Small micro cameras will be ideal for exceptional applications. What is important when buying them? Micro cameras can be divided according to the following categories – ...
Today, it is difficult to imagine life without a mobile phone. It has become work, communication and entertainment tool for us. Every day billions of calls, text messages, emails and pictures are transfered through mobile phones. Some of this data can be especially important for ...
Computer surveillance is becoming more and more common. Employers keep track of their employees– computer activity, tenant spy on other residents, and private detectives are looking for the evidence of marital infidelity. While the motives of the last two are pretty obvious (data theft and infidelity), ...
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In daily life we often encounter difficult and delicate problems. This blog was designed with proper and accessible solutions to these problems in mind. The experience we gathered during 7 years of running Detective Store chain makes us experts in the field of security.
Detective Store is a chain of detective shops operating on the market since 2007. Our aim is to provide our customers with high-quality equipment and professional technical service. Trained staff guarantees individual approach to our customers’ needs. Every year, more and more customers put trust in our products.