Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew – these are just a few of the people alleged to have had relations with underage sex slaves on Jeffrey Epstein’s island. The multimillionaire was behind the creation of a paedophile network whose clientele included the cream of society from around the world. Six years after the monster’s death, more shocking facts are coming to light.
Warning: the article touches on paedophilia and abuse of minors. If such topics make you feel uneasy, please refrain from reading further.
– There are probably some important, influential people who are very upset right now. We’ll have to wait and see if Epstein names any names, said Miami Herald journalist Julie K. Brown in July 2019. The woman who two years earlier launched an investigation into the most notorious paedophile case in history.
Jeffrey Epstein did not reveal anything in time. He died on 10 August 2019 in his cell. This one was supposed to be monitored around the clock to prevent a possible suicide attempt. The guards let him out of their sight only for a moment. It was enough for – according to the official version – the 66-year-old to hang himself and avoid responsibility for his actions.
Hundreds of abused teenage girls, the youngest of whom may have been as young as 12 years old. Forcing them to have sex, starving them and imprisoning them on ‘Sin Island’, regularly visited by some of the most influential people in the world. The case is shocking and further details continue to hit the headlines.
Epstein’s Island – a chilling list
What does a list of the most influential people bring to mind? Some will say the Bilderberg Group, others will point to Forbes magazine’s list and others to Time magazine’s ranking. Recently, however, the most talked-about list has been a hitherto unknown one.
The Epstein list, as it is called in the media, consists of almost two hundred names. These are the personalities of people who have maintained friendly or purely business relations with the multimillionaire. On it, we can find the most prominent figures from the worlds of finance, law, science, show business, sport and politics.
Michael Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis – to name but a few. According to witness statements, they were regular guests on Jeffrey Epstein’s island, where sexual abuse of underage girls took place. Were the aforementioned people aware of what was going on right behind their backs? This is not yet known.
It is highly likely, on the other hand, that some of the most influential politicians in the world knew about it. Epstein’s friends who are believed to have used the services of a paedophile network include Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and the Duke of York Andrew.
However, all information and names have still not been revealed. So the list is certainly more extensive, and other well-known celebrities and diplomats may have been the beneficiaries of the millionaire’s activities.
Where is Epstein’s Island?
Jeffrey Epstein Island, or Little Saint James, is located in the US Virgin Islands. A multimillionaire bought it in 1998 for almost $8 million.
Group orgies and other forms of sexual abuse of minors took place on it. The activities involved well-known personalities with contacts with Epstein
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein – friends for better and (not) for worse

– He’s a great guy. It is even said that, like me, he loves beautiful women, especially younger women, he said in 2002. Donald Trump, giving an interview to New York magazine. From the statement concerning Jeffrey Epstein, it was clear that the millionaires valued each other and maintained a good relationship.
The situation was clear – the media published photos of the men in the company of their female partners. There was no doubt about their relationship. Earlier, in 1992, NBC TV recorded them at a party at Trump’s Florida mansion:
– [Trump] flits his eyes across the dance floor […] and points his finger at one of the dancing women. [Epstein] nods communicatively, not taking his eyes off the partying crowd. A moment later he staggers with amusement as his companion comments in his ear about the qualities of one of the bouncing girls. ‘She’s hot’ – are the only words the NBC TV reporters who recorded the entire scene manage to get out, the legal newspaper wrote about the incident.
After Epstein’s actions came to light, Trump renounced the friendship. ‘We haven’t had contact for 15 years. I’ve never been a fan of his, I can tell you that,’ he told the media. However, there are strong indications that the politician took part in orgies held on the island. A year before the media scandal broke, Trump took office as US president.
Trump’s associate responsible for leniency for Epstein
Trump, or rather his people, have also been linked to Epstein’s paedophile activities. The island owner heard the first charges in 2008. He was then sentenced to 1.5 years in prison for sex with minors. However, the sentence was far from a true custodial sentence.
In fact, the sentence allowed him to leave his cell six days a week, even for 12 hours a day. The millionaire was furthermore allowed to do his job. In the end, the ‘punishment’ ended five months early.
The then federal prosecutor in Florida, Alexander Acosta, was responsible for agreeing a plea bargain with the prosecution. The same man, who in 2017 took over as Secretary of Labour in President Trump’s cabinet.
The next names on Epstein’s list are shocking.

Accusations of abuse of minors have also been made against former US President Bill Clinton and Elizabeth II’s son and King Charles III’s brother Prince Andrew. Both have vehemently denied their actions, but the latter has done so far more cavalierly.
A man of the British royal family allegedly raped 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre – one of the slaves lured to the island and imprisoned there – three times. Several years later, she filed a lawsuit against her abuser. The monarch, of course, denied it, as did Buckingham Palace
The Duke of York even gave an interview to the BBC that completely discredited him. He explained that he did not know the victim, even though the media had a picture of them together. Eventually, the son of the former queen withdrew from his public duties and paid the woman a sum in the region of $12 million as part of the settlement.
Other people alleged to have benefited from ‘Epstein’s children’ include modelling agency owner Jean-Luc Brunel, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz and… scientist Stephen Hawking. However, witness statements are not definitive proof of the veracity of the accusations.
Victims’ testimonies and Epstein’s devilish partner
Virginia Giuffre was not the only one – years later, more and more victims began to share their memories with the media and investigators. The method of luring teenage girls to the ‘island of sin’ was identical in almost every case. Epstein offered a lot of money in exchange for a massage. During this, the millionaire molested his victims. He also offered them larger payments for recruiting more girls.
The paedophile’s ex-partner was also involved. Ghislaine Maxwell met Epstein in 1991. After a relationship of several years, they remained in a close relationship and the woman was responsible for bringing further victims to the island.
When investigators published further files on the case, the memories of Johanna Sjoberg, among others, leaked to the media. Another of the sex slaves, who fell into Epstein’s trap at the age of 20, recounted Maxwell’s shocking intercourse with teenage girls.
She used to kiss them on the head and call them her children when they were getting ready for bed. Sjoberg also admitted that over the course of several years she had erotic relations with both Epstein and his former partner.
After the millionaire’s death, the woman was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2022.
Death and the list now

Years later, when almost the whole world knows about Epstein’s island, the question arises: how was the millionaire able to lure so many underage girls and keep it a secret for so long?
Handsome, wealthy, intelligent, single, philanthropist – this is exactly what we see in the Netflix series ‘Jeffrey Epstein: filthy rich’. Experts even compare him to the famous ‘Great Gatsby’, who attracted the attention and affection of the cream of society, providing its members with unlimited fun.
However, when Epstein was found dead in his cell on 10 August 2019, a month after his arrest, no one was taking his side anymore. Had he actually committed suicide?
According to the guards, the man was found kneeling, with a sheet around his neck. However, lawyers hired by Epstein’s family contacted a forensic pathologist, who ruled that the marks on the deceased’s throat looked more like ‘homicidal asphyxiation than suicide’.
Could it be that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was intended to cover up key information, which could destroy the lives of influential people? It is very possible that this is what happened. More Epstein letters are due to be published in the near future. And just as, nearly six years ago, the journalist quoted at the beginning of the text claimed: -There are probably some important, influential people who are now very upset.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Island – FAQ
Interested in the subject of the most notorious paedophile scandal in history? Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions!
Who is Jeffrey Epstein?
Jeffrey Epstein was an American millionaire who committed numerous sex crimes against underage girls. He lured them to his private island and there rented them out to his influential friends and associates.
Who is on Epstein’s list?
Epstein’s lists contain almost 200 names of his business partners and friends. They include Michael Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Prince Andrew of York, among others. Some of them are suspected of using underage slaves.
Is Jeffrey Epstein still alive?
Jeffrey Epstein is dead. According to the official version, he committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell on 10 August 2019.
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