At the beginning of March the coronavirus disease reached the UK. Since then the number of discovered cases increases almost every day. The virus is a health hazard, mainly due to its high infectivity. That is why it is important to take care of our own safety during the epidemic. Here are some practical tips that allow you to protect yourself effectively against coronavirus.
How to protect yourself against coronavirus disease – stay home!
Restricting people-to-people contacts is a key issue not only for quarantined people. Due to the high contagiousness of coronavirus, it is particularly dangerous to stay in groups of people. Staying home is a basic remedy. Talk to your supervisor about the possibility of working remotely, or take few day vacation. If possible, limit or stop social gatherings and make sure your children do not go outside either.
Limit physical contacts
When meeting with other people during a coronavirus epidemic, avoid any physical contact, such as shaking hands, kissing or hugging. Remember to keep a safe distance during the conversation (about 1.5 m). Also avoid contact with people revealing disturbing symptoms, e.g. intensely coughing. What is more, if you notice disturbing symptoms among your friends or family, immediately report this problem to the appropriate medical facilities. Remember – do not underestimate the matter!
Do not touch any objects when you are outside
If you go shopping or to the pharmacy, try not to touch objects such as handrails, door handles etc. When driving by bus or tram wait for the driver to open the door, try to open the entrance to the buildings with your elbow and push the buttons e.g. in the elevators using small objects such as keys or coins. When shopping, touch the basket holder and the products on the shelves with a tissue or disposable glove. Contactless payment by credit card or smartphone is also a good idea.
Do not touch your face
While outside try not to touch your face with your hands, especially around the eyes, nose and mouth. Mucosals rapidly absorb external factors. The coronavirus droplets on your hands can easily enter the body and thus lead to illness. People often touch their face unwittingly, which is why this message is repeated several times a day. Although people care about hand hygiene, they should remember this measure to be able to effectively protect themselves against the virus.
Wash your hands frequently
Compliance with personal hygiene is particularly important during the epidemic of coronavirus disease. First of all, wash your hands as often as possible, especially after returning from the store or after talking to another person. Wash your hands thoroughly for a minimum of 30 seconds, using soap and hot water. It is also a good idea to have a disinfecting gel with you, which you can get in a pharmacy or other store. This is an effective preventive measure because often during the day we do not have access to running water.
Disinfect surfaces
According to WHO specialists, most types of coronaviruses are lost in contact with alcohol-based preparations. Always have alcohol-based fluid with you and regularly clean all objects and surfaces with which you have frequent contact. For example smartphones, keyboards, TV remote controls or desk tops. It is important to rinse these surfaces with a disinfectant every few hours, because they are used most often.
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