Secrets destroy mutual trust between partners. They destroy stability in the most successful marriages, and happiness, built on loyalty, is replaced by disappointment and regret. Do you feel that you are helpless? Are you losing control of your relationship? Maybe you even start to become obsessed with infidelity? There is no room for doubts and secrets in marriage. Learn how to bug your wife’s phone and discover what she is hiding from you.
"My wife is cheating on me" - when to wiretap her phone?

The statistics are merciless: the most common cause of relationship breakdown is infidelity. According to a study by the Center for Social Prevention, on average, one in three married women opt for a one night stand or a longer affair.
Curiosity? Neglect? Or perhaps boredom? The reasons why wives cheat on their husbands, unfortunately, can be many. You may not notice all of them in time, so any red light that goes on in your head for any reason should arouse your vigilance.
Pay attention to whether your wife…:
- is increasingly going on business trips, returning from work later than usual, and explaining her constant being away from home with overtime?
- doesn’t read text messages in your presence, locks herself in the bedroom to answer the phone, and doesn’t use it when you have the screen in sight?
- is more concerned with privacy: she has changed the passwords to her mobile devices and doesn’t let you use her laptop?
- loses interest in you, avoids affection, gives up your shared passions, refuses to go out on dates, compares you to others and constantly criticizes you?
- smells of perfumes unfamiliar to you, pays more attention than usual to her appearance, has changed her style of dress?
- neglects children and household chores, and buys another set of underwear instead of grocery shopping?
- behaves differently than usual, e.g. the former perfectionist has stopped planning anything, and the typical homemaker suddenly has a rich social life?
- has new friends you don’t know, and with whom she doesn’t want to get to know you?
Discreet eavesdropping on the wife's phone - what is it?

If you answered at least one of the above questions in the affirmative, there is a good chance that your partner is cheating on you. Eavesdropping on your wife’s phone is the easiest, yet most effective way to check her fidelity. The materials collected will leave her no room for excuses. What’s more, they can also prove to be irrefutable evidence for the Court during a divorce.
The professional phone monitoring app Spyphone Android Pro secretly runs in the background. It offers more than 70 surveillance functions, including tracking app activity, providing the user’s GPS location, and revealing call history and the content of instant messaging conversations.
How to set up a wiretap on your wife's phone? 3 easy steps

Reliable spy technology at your fingertips? Not just in the movies. You don’t have to be a detective or a cyber security specialist to install a wiretap on your wife’s cell phone. The whole process requires only one-time access and will take you no more than 5 minutes.
- Unlock the device.
- Connect it to your cellular or WiFi network.
- Open the attachment with the phone monitoring application, and after just a few tens of seconds you will have remote access to its contents.
Wife under control. What are the benefits of phone eavesdropping?

Unlike other ways of monitoring your wife, phone tapping provides the widest possible spectrum of information, so you get a full sense of control over the relationship. By opting for it, you minimize the risk of making bad decisions, such as marrying a dishonest partner or taking out a loan with a hidden gambler. In addition, you will get to know your partner better, discover her expectations and needs.
The most important advantages of the Spyphone Android Pro application:
- call recording and remote playback,
- real-time screen sharing, ability to take screenshots,
- providing access to media files, saved contacts and browser history,
- ability to remotely observe the environment: recording audio or video.
Is it legal to wiretap my wife's phone? Legal aspects
Eavesdropping on your wife’s phone is legal if she herself consents to its installation. Otherwise, using spyware to obtain confidential information is illegal. At the same time, it is worth remembering that even illegally collected evidence of infidelity can be used during a divorce with a judgment of guilt.
Eavesdropping on your wife's phone - FAQ
Learn the answers to the most frequently asked questions!
Is it toxic to check your wife’s phone?
Eavesdropping on your wife’s phone violates her privacy and abuses her trust, but in some cases it is fully justified and even advisable/recommended.
Can I see what my wife is doing on her phone?
The Spyphone Android Pro phone monitoring application provides complete insight into message content, browser history, stored files and software activity. It is one of the most advanced programs on the market: not only does it give you full access to the operation of your mobile device, but it also allows you to conduct remote surveillance of your surroundings.
Can I track my wife’s phone without her knowledge?
Yes. The professional spy application Spyphone Android Pro runs in the background – it does not send notifications or slow down the system’s operation. It also remains undetectable to antivirus programs.
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