Our advisors have noticed a steady rise in queries from customers concerning devices or applications for employee control. These inquiries are mainly put forward by owners of transportation and delivery companies, financial institutions managers as well as people hiring sales representatives. The main issues for them are financial losses due to workers who turn out to be incompetent or that abuse trust of their employers. This article features tips on how to prevent such situations from happening.

Limit your trust

If you own a big company, you know it is not easy to manage all business-related issues and additionally control each and every employee without devoting much time and effort. The most troublesome aspect is having control over a person who works off-site, a so-called mobile worker.

There are a few methods of off-site worker surveillance:

  • GPS localization
  • Listening to worker‘s conversations and surroundings
  • Collecting all other data like text messages and e-mails

Detective Store has recently introduced
 products that help in controlling employees. One of them is a stylish and renowned smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4 mini. It is a smaller version of the popular worldwide S4 phone. Its main features are clear AMOLED display, fast processor and capacious memory. Except for ordinary functions of the smartphone, Detective Store Specialists have installed additional SpyPhone Android Rec Pro application. It gives a wide range of functions useful for employee control.

How can SpyPhone app be used?

  • Control of information flow – be sure that your confidential data stays secure.
  • GPS monitoring – localize a phone. Useful if you want to check where your worker is at a given moment or find a phone it if has been lost or stolen.
  • If a worker gets lost or has had an accident you can instantly track him or her and provide help.

What are the main features of the Android Rec Pro app?

Among the conventional features of the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, this smartphone can automatically record voice calls. It can be done by the use of the inbuilt microphone which is compatible with all models but this option is limited to recording only the SpyPhone user. The other method uses a signal line and allows for recording both sides of the conversation. It is worth stating that this option works only with phones with 2-Way Call Recording function (2WCR).

Except for recording you can also listen to the SphyPhone user‘s surroundings. One of our now regular customer started receiving information that their worker uses improper and dishonest methods of acquiring new clients, what had a negative impact on the company‘s reputation, as this person was simply cheating them. In order to verify that, the company owner used the SpyPhone app and listened on to the employee‘s conversation. Prior to that the employee was notified about the possibility of being listened on. It did not take long to prove that the information on cheats was true. The function can be initiated remotely by sending a text message with an appropriate command. This text is not visible on the Galaxy S4 mini display and also in the inbox. The listening time is from 1 to 180 minutes.

What‘s more?

GPS localization

We were also notified that one of workers lost a company phone. It may happen to everybody, but it was not the first time for this particular person. We advised our customer to get our flagship Samsung Galaxy S5 with the SpyPhone Android Rec Pro application. It did not come as a surprise when this phone was also lost after a few weeks. However the customer was able to track it and the phone was found in a pawnshop in a city where the worker was on the last business trip. It is worth to mention that a phone with this app can be located with an accuracy of 5 meters.

SpyPhone also archives all photos taken, recorded video clips and other created media, saves all history of incoming and outcoming calls and creates copies of text messages with sender and receiver phone numbers.

Important information

For extensive use of the app Internet connection is required, either through a mobile network or Wi-Fi. It is advisable to stay connected to the Web so that data can successfully be sent via e-mail. If much data is accumulated, it may slower down an Internet browser and the phone.

If, as an employer, you already have business phones and do not want to spend money on new ones, this application may be installed on your current phones. Installation is highly intuitive and simple, but our service technicians may help you out and do it for you. In that case please call our advisor and deliver phones on which the SpyPhone Rec Pro application is to be installed. Phones are then tested to check if they work properly thus our customer receives ready to use devices with the SpyPhone app that will not be detected by their end users.

The rather negative overtone of the word ‘tapping‘ changes if you think about it as a way of assuring security in your company and keeping your financial resources safe. Detective Store Ltd knows many similar cases, we understand our clients and we are here to help in your battle against dishonest employees.

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