How to prove mental abuse?

The old saying goes that words hurt more than actions. It seems to be very true – verbal abuse in the form of shouting, obscene language, mockery or humiliation can leave a strong mark on a persons whole life. Abusers take advantage of the fact that psychological abuse is very diffucult to prove. However, it is not impossible. We suggest where to seek help and how to get evidence of verbal bullying.

What is psychological violence?

Psychological violence is a verbal form of interaction that results in the psychological and physical deterioration of one of its participants. The most common manifestations include insults, sexist remarks, belittling, manipulation, threats and intimidation. By using these and other practices, abusers aim to subjugate their victims completely, and thus to control their lives for profit, due to morbid jealousy or simply for their own satisfaction. Nowadays, psychological bullying is common in various work environments (namely mobbing), at school between peers and (by far the most common) in family homes.

Psychological violence – Statistics

Despite increasingly frequent social campaigns and harsh punishments for perpetrators, psychological violence in the family remains a real problem in the United Kingdom what is proven by disturbing statistics. According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) year ending March 2020, an estimated 2.3 million people (adults aged 16 to 74 years) experienced domestic abuse in the last year. What is more, the total number of offences marked as domestic abuse-related increased during the lockdown period, continuing long-term increases observed in recent years.

Who are the most frequent victims of psychological violence?

Although women and children are the most frequent victims of psychological abuse, many men are also affected. Males who experience verbal abuse are reluctant to report such situations, so the exact scale of this problem is unknown. Regardless of whether the victim is a child, a woman or a man, the effects of psychological violence are extremely serious and can have lifelong consequences.

Psychological violence in a relationship – Symptoms and effects

How can you recognise psychological violence, for example against a child or an elderly person? It is very difficult, because perpetrators do not leave physical traces on their victims bodies. You have to pay attention to any changes in behaviour, sometimes very subtle ones. Victims often suffer from sleep disturbances and lack of appetite, they also become apathetic and withdrawn from social life. This is particularly evident in the case of child victims who shy away from contact with their peers. A significant symptom is avoding talking about their problems and dismissing questions with generalities.

The effects of psychological violence can be very serious. The victim usually has low self-esteem, which results in poor performance in school or at work. Apathy, fear and sadness sometimes lead to substance abuse, isolation from the environment and depression, which if untreated can end in suicide. This is of course an extreme case, but such scenarios also happen and cannot be excluded.

Whether you are experiencing psychological violence yourself or are worried about a loved one, do not ignore any of the worrying signals. Do not rationalise or downplay the actions of the perpetrator. Instead, talk to someone you trust or see a psychologist. A simple conversation may be be a great relief, will clear your mind of negative emotions and, most importantly, will be the first step towards freedom from problems.

Psychological bullying – How to defend yourself?

Victims of psychological abuse often think they are on the losing end. Sometimes they even blame themselves for the harm they have suffered and unreservedly submit to the abusers, who are happy to maintain their dominance. This is a vicious circle extremely difficult to break. The key is to gather some evidence. Detective devices such as spy dictaphones, mini-cameras or GSM eavesdroppers can be a huge help. These devices will discreetly record events that may be used later as evidence in court.

Psychological violence – Where to find help?

There are many places where victims of domestic violence can find some help. There are many organisations, where one can report domestic violence, obtain moral support and seek psychological or legal advice. Those who are seeking shelter can find it in support centres, crisis intervention centres and special shelters and hostels. The stay in these places is free of charge, and in addition to shelter there is legal, medical and social support available, and there are often also support groups and therapeutic meetings.

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