Do you run your own shop? You have most likely faced the problem of theft! Massive amounts of money are lost every year due to thieving. How can one deal with thieves, when regular monitoring proves to be simply insufficient?
Thieves have learned to deceive regular CCTV cameras installed in shops. They are also able to tell dummies from actual ones. The shop owners need to seek new methods of dealing with vanishing merchandise – which, in fact, might be caused by the shop‘s employees as well as the customers. It is estimated that the losses caused by thieves can be as high as 1% of annual trade.
Spy surveillance
When regular CCTV cameras are no longer enough, it is time to consider purchasing some equipment that might well belong in a spy film. Its main advantages over regular appliances are the discretion and smaller size. The quality of the recorded material is on par with regular devices, so it is worth to give such clever solutions some thought.
A similar device is a camera concealed in a mock-up motion sensor. This gadget can be installed just above the entry, granting the owner a constant view on every person entering or leaving the shop. Its capabilities are virtually the same as those of a camera concealed in a smoke detector, i.e. DVR-33PIR motion sensor can be accessed remotely.
Dishonest employees
Unfortunately, stealing is not done exclusively by the customers. Some workers might prove to be disloyal to their employer, taking merchandise from their workplace without paying. If the shop‘s main area is already secured, time to give some attention to the social room, where the employees spend their breaks or prepare for work. It offers even more possibilities, as apart from sensors, one can install cameras disguised as e.g. a coat hanger or an alarm clock!
Break rooms are not always occupied, so in order not to record an empty room, and thus to save space on the memory card, it is advisable to choose a motion-triggered camera. The DV-20 model features this functionality – once the camera detects motion, it begins recording of sound and image at 1280‘960 resolution.
Another good choice for installation in a social room can be the camera disguised as a clock. The PV-FM20 offers the motion-triggering feature as well.
Should you decide to monitor your employees, you have to inform them of the fact!
Better results at lower price
Installation of a regular monitoring system requires hiring a professional. Moreover, system maintenance and security agency fees generate additional costs. The instruments we offer require no such thing. They are far less costly to keep, and their effectiveness can be much higher than a standard monitoring system‘s. The capabilities of our spy gadgets are equal to, or even surpass those of the regular cameras! Remote access to live feed, sound recording and motion-triggering would certainly help immeasurably to apprehend a potential thief.
Author photo title: Rick Harris
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