Some time ago you were looking for home appliances and now you see their ads everywhere? It is disturbing, but also… expectable. Ad networks use Google search terms to display particular products later. The search engine DuckDuckGo is an alternative. Does it protect your privacy ...

The cartoon child prodigy Dexter would have at least a few ideas on how to protect a student room so that any careless Dee Dee could not enter it and turn into ruin. Or make a theft in a student hall or digs. Then, the ...

Development of the Internet, social media and, most of all, cell phones has given way to abundance of various applications. They allow for sharing various aspects of one‘s life and gain followers. Is there however a boundary that should not be crossed? Social media play ...

Nowadays an e-mail account is as vital as an online bank account.We use both of them literally every day and we store personal data there. Bank account contains data ‘only‘ on our savings and financial obligations plus, of course, our money. E-mail account aggregates various ...

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