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See recommended productsClanTect MDT system - detecting movement and people in vehicles
- Able to detect heartbeat
- Fast inspection time - about 1 minute
- High sensitivity to sound and vibration
- Automatic registration of data, e.g. license plates
- Remote data management
ClanTect MDT system - detecting movement and people in vehicles
UPS courier. Delivery time: 3-4 working days. Online payment or wire transfer.
UPS-EXPRESS courier. Delivery time: 4 working day. Online payment or wire transfer.
If you are still not sure if this is the product for you, please write to us. We will try to answer as soon as possible.
If you are still not sure if this is the product for you, please write to us. We will try to answer as soon as possible.
ClanTect MDT people detection system
When guarding a border crossing or a specially guarded workplace, it is essential to exercise maximum caution. In this profession, nothing can be overlooked, and it is for this purpose that the ClanTect system was created. It prevents intruders, hidden in vehicles, from breaking through into the protected area. The sensitivity of the sensors will detect them even through heartbeats.
The solution of the most prominent specialists
ClanTect was created by world-renowned sound and vibration experts Professor Steve Daley and Dr. Ilias Zazas. Working with the University of Southampton, ClanTect technology has set unprecedented standards for accuracy, reliability and simplicity in detecting people in vehicles. The brand's solutions are used by the UK Border Patrol, among others.
Testing is fast and accurate
Manual searches of bulky vehicles are time-consuming and require a high degree of precision. It also often requires inspectors to dismantle the goods inside the trailer and search its contents. The effect is to stop traffic and significantly slow down the flow of cars.
ClanTect's person detection system definitely stands out from other solutions designed for vehicle searches. It is extremely effective and practical, and the examination of trucks is efficient and at the same time very accurate.
Nothing can be hidden from it
ClanTect MDT detects all kinds of vibrations and sounds in the vehicle, so it will find intruders even by heartbeat. Quickly locating such a person is possible through a sensory test. The inspection process is automated and supported by a Rugged computer, which is mainly used by the military services.
Two sensory sensors are attached to the sides of the vehicle. If any sound or vibration is detected during the measurement, the controller is instantly informed.
Instant transmission of critical data
The ClanTect MDT system's intelligent software captures and analyzes the results of each test. It also integrates key information such as the vehicle's license plate and the driver's personal information. The system's ability to connect to an online 4G network allows it to send structured messages to the computers of major command centers.
What sets ClanTect MDT apart from other solutions?
Key features of the ClanTect MDT system:
- Durable and robust equipment - The system can be used seamlessly even in harsh outdoor environments
- Test automation - Sensors are quickly and automatically attached to vehicles under test, and the Computer Terminal Menu does not require manual data entry. The system is instantly ready to test the next vehicle
- Speed of execution - it takes only one minute to complete a test, greatly improving traffic flow
- Solution for high flow areas - ClanTect system can provide scanning of multiple vehicles from a single terminal, which is especially useful in larger inspection bays
- Geophone Testing Station module - The system is equipped with a special GTS terminal that manages ClanTect sensors and extends the life of them and all cabling. This allows continuous testing of sensor accuracy and throughput, as well as monitoring of system performance
- Multiple language versions - the ClanTect system is available in most languages, and has already been implemented in many countries
- CE certification - the ClanTect system is CE certified, which is a key guarantee of product quality
How does the ClanTect system work?
Anti-spy Tent Offgrid Faraday - tension accessories, double layer
Availability: Available
35 416,85 $ (brutto)
- Shield test range: 85dB, 100kHz to 40GHz
- Power supply protection
- Double wall
- EMI lighting
- Ventilation system
Drone frequency jammer Zoro DZ-B1 – drone protection in a range of 2 km
Availability: Available
25 135,34 $ (brutto)
- Detection range - 2 km
- Operation time up to 3 h
- Simple to operate
- Detection of radio frequencies
- Bringing drones down to the ground
Office security system - preventing take-out of confidential paper documents
Availability: On order
- System of detection gates
- Secure paper
- Control over the paper use
- EM detection technology
- Special microfibers
Seismic detector system CERBER for border protection - 33 sensors included
Availability: Available
- Sensor range up to 100 m or 300 m
- 33 sensors
- Support for an additional 116 devices
- Console range of 15 km
- Detects low-flying machines
Secure email - Yubikey 5C Nano security key
Availability: On order
91,39 $ (brutto)
- USB-C Interface
- Passwordless login or multi-factor authentication
- Works without battery
- Moisture resistant
Camera Offgrid Eclipse Webcam Kit - 1080p HD, Manfrotto arm
Availability: Available
2 924,83 $ (brutto)
- One-year license
- Microsoft webcam
- Super clamp
- Hands-free operation
- Eclipse 2 software
Under vehicle inspection system SecurSCAN SDS-Vision
Availability: Available
- Identification of faces and vehicle number plates
- Scanning chassis of vehicles
- Durable system: up to 6 t
- Intuitive software
- Records: photoes and videos
Handheld WiFi scanner HackHunter Pursuit - SMA 50 ohm antenna, precise detection regardless of location, Insights report
Availability: Nonavailable
- TSCM technology
- Protection against hackers
- SMA 50 ohm antenna
- Storage of history in a built-in database
- Report on the Insights platform
Long-range thermal imaging bi-ocular - Armasight Helios HD
Availability: On order
6 785,29 $ (brutto)
- Very efficient both during the day and at night
- FLIR thermal imaging sensor
- Resolution of Long-range thermal imaging bi-ocular: 324×256
- Lens: 100 mm or 75 mm
- 10 years warranty on FLIR detector
OffGrid Faraday Duffel Bag - large capacity of 60 liters, resistance to hacking attacks
Availability: Available
348,47 $ (brutto)
- Faraday fabric
- Total resistance to electromagnetic signals
- Dimensions: 30.5 x 66 x 40.5 cm
- Capacity: 60 liters
- Multiple device pockets
Lavalier Tascam DR-10L high quality digital audio recorder
Availability: Available
285,62 $ (brutto)
- Lavalier microphone
- Automatic signal level adjustment
- Two-channel recording
- Micro linear PCM recorder
- Powered by AAA
Programmer for remote controls and garage doors - Code Grabber, adaptive remote controller
Availability: Nonavailable
- Automatic signal detection and tuning
- Operation in frequencies 315, 433.92, 434.4, 868.35, 300-900 mHz
- Range up to 50-100 meters
- As many as 99 memory slots
- Powerful battery - up to 10 hours of operation
Comprehensive anti-drone system SKY Ctrl - detection, tracking, classification and neutralization
Availability: Nonavailable
- stationary, mobile and vehicle versions
- automated jammer for drone neutralization
- dedicated web application
- acoustic sensor to determine the direction of the drones' flight
- system dedicated to your needs
Shooting simulator SIM Range 2.0 - various training modes
Availability: Available
- Different training modes for each formation
- Integrated shot detection camera
- Adjusting the pace and lighting
- Scaling even in small spaces
- Training of individual and team skills
Code grabber Pandora Ferrari DXL - copying signals from car keys
Availability: Nonavailable
- Constant updates
- Autopilot mode
- Operates in 315/433 MHz, AM / FM frequencies
- As many as 8 operating modes
- 10 memory cells
Universal Radio Car Key Grabber X-Key with Range Extender
Availability: Nonavailable
- applicable with all car brands
- opens and starts all vehicles without leaving a trace
- deactivates the immobilizer and alarm system of the vehicle
- 300 meters range of the key unit
- ideal for collection agencies and leasing recovery agencies