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See recommended productsRFBug-01 bug camouflaged in CD case
134,84 $ VAT included
The RFBug-01 is a sensitive, high precision listening device that is well hidden inside a CD case.
up to 35 h
up to 10-12m
CR2032 battery
It captures sound superbly within a 10-12 metre range and its features enable very good quality audio surveillance. The bug supports a wide range of sound volume, meaning that both whispers and loud conversations will have good audibility for the the user. Thanks to the dual FM and WFM modulation system, reception is clear and with has minimal noise.
The device uses the 430-440MHz frequency band, which is not detected on conventional radio receivers, eliminating the possibility of interception by third parties.
The RFBug-01 is suitable for baby monitoring, checking up on a teenager’s behaviour when left home alone, or checking who goes into your office while you’re away.
Specification of RFBug-01 bug camouflaged in CD case | |
Microphone | built-in |
Running time | 35 h |
Signal amplifier | yes |
Microphone range | 10-12m |
Frequency band | 430-440 MHz |
Modulation | WFM |
Transmission range | up to 600 m |
Stabilisation | quartz |
Stability | 0.0001 MHz |
Power supply | battery CR2032 |
Dimensions | 143 × 125 × 10mm |
Overall rating
Availability: On order
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