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See recommended productsSubscription of Tractive tracking service guarantees one-year access to the platform cooperating with a GPS locator which allows the users for live tracking of their dog, horse or other animal which often stays outside home.
Tractive tracking service cooperates with the GPS locators designated for dogs of Tracive brand and allows for real-time tracking of dogs on their way via free software available for devices based on Android and iOS systems.
A very useful functionality is an alert warning about the incoming discharge of battery which is displayed by a mobile application.
Subscription grants one-year access to the server thus enabling the users to track their dog (or other animal) round the clock.
Upon buying subscription of service you are sure that in case of a sudden problems you can get assistance from Tractive specialists within 24 hours (only working days).
"Safe zone" is one of the key GPS locator's features. It enables you to define such a desired distance from your home (as a radius) within which your dog can move freely. When your dog leaves a zone border you will be informed about it with a special message.
The whole history of your tracker activity is stored on the server. This enables to analyze what areas your animal attends most often.
Subscription enables to use the device at every continent and covers over 80 countries.
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Availability: Available
56,20 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
67,67 $ (brutto)
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1 108,91 $ (brutto)
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19 266,32 $ (brutto)
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4 382,66 $ (brutto)
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2 671,07 $ (brutto)
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70,92 $ (brutto)
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392,16 $ (brutto)
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159,42 $ (brutto)
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61,82 $ (brutto)
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75,69 $ (brutto)
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113,20 $ (brutto)
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