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See recommended productsSuper Sensitive Wall Contact Microphone - FL999
1 137,36 $ -150,00 $
987,36 $ VAT includedProduct unavailable!
Order a similar product: Wall listening device.
FL999 is a professional equipment for conducting a very safe wiretap through walls made of various types of material. Stethoscope enables operation on walls of even 50cm thickness and gives a clear sound, which, in case of high intensity tones, is protected in a way that it does not harm user's hearing.
up to 60 h
9V (6F22) battery
In comparison to other models of wall contact microphones, FL999 does not have a needle so it provides higher comfort of use – it does not generate any additional, ear-irritating sounds and is more sensitive than standard needle wiretaps. The system of band filtering provides better amplifier profile and directs the wiretap mostly on human speech, so we obtain a clear sound of conversations.
The Super Sensitive Wall Contact Microphone - FL999 also allows to record and save the files from the listening-in, after plugging the recorder or a voice recorder, which are available in our shop.
FL999 wall contact microphone is designed for everyone who needs functionality, full safety (it is not detectable by electronic safety devices) and very good sound quality..
The device is not water resistant.
Specification of the Super Sensitive Wall Contact Microphone - FL999 | |
Microphone | non-needle, built-in |
Signal amplifier |
Output |
Output power |
Sound band filters | yes |
Sound amplitude limiter | yes |
Power supply of the Super Sensitive Wall Contact Microphone | 9V (6F22) battery |
Operation time of FL999 | up to 60 hours |
Size |
Weight of the contact microphone |
Overall rating
Availability: On order
602,64 $ (brutto)
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399,25 $ (brutto)
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443,99 $ (brutto)
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398,34 $ (brutto)
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1 103,58 $ (brutto)
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475,83 $ (brutto)
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308,16 $ (brutto)
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502,20 $ (brutto)
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295,61 $ (brutto)
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2 195,87 $ (brutto)
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199,62 $ (brutto)
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55,93 $ (brutto)
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