A shooting in San Bernardino, California, took place on December the 3rd 2015 and resulted in 14 casualties. The terrorists were Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife. This history is not yet finished as Syed‘s locked iPhone 5C seems to be the key to solving this ...

The 8mn8th Academy Awards of 2016 has ended and Leonardo DiCaprio finally received his first Oscar for ‘The Revenant‘ which enchants with scenery. This is a perfect occasion to show how film production has changed over the years.Cinematography perfectly illustrates development of technology and on ...

Travelling by plane is uncomfortable for many of us, even just the mere thought of it. Although airplane is the safest mean of transport, some are petrified when they envisage themselves flying high in the sky.If you have ever planned a trip by plane you ...

Aldrich Ames is one of the most famous spies in the history of the United States. Similar to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, whose story is available here, he was also a Russian spy working for the Soviet Union. Unlike the Rosenbergs, he was not convicted ...

Nowadays computers are commonly used to store information, documents, pictures etc. Unfortunately, computer viruses are not the only danger they are exposed to – hackers proved on numerous occasions to be as much of a threat, and even more so for companies and corporations. In ...

The course of the Cold War, waged mainly between the world‘s two most powerful countries, was as interesting as it was dangerous. Back then, the arms race was focused mainly on development of nuclear weapons. During that time, spies had a crucial role to play. ...

During the cold war, the USA had reasons to fear a nuclear strike from the USSR. The moment Russians sent the Earth‘s first artificial satellite, the Americans became worried by‘ the rocket that carried the Sputnik to the orbit. The R7 rocket was the main reason ...

The Internet has become an inherent part of our everyday life. We use it at home, at work and in travel. However, specialists claim that being online might prove addictive.According to recent polls, about 70% of us browse the Internet on a daily basis. It ...

Ancient Greeks, Spartans, Romans – they all practised message encryption. They would use hieroglyphics, combine several alphabets, write on pieces of leather, or build special machines for it. Nowadays, hi-tech computers handle data encryption, but in the past people had their own methods. Let us ...

Even though its name might not invoke images of a high-security facility, the Global Seed Vault definitely is one. It is a structure that makes science-fiction film scenarios a plausible vision of the future. Permafrost Svalbard Global Seed Vault is located in the Norwegian Svalbard ...

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