Are you a college student, or going to become one soon? If you are, then this article is a perfect read for you! Learn how to deal with annoying roommates, maintain your own security and which spy gadgets can be used during a lecture!
Protecting your room
If you live in a dorm or a rented room, you have most likely had problems with troublesome roommates. Nobody likes others using their laptop or desktop PC without permission. The computer might hold important data or lecture materials, which can cause a lot of trouble if lost or damaged.
How to deal with it? To protect your computer, KeyGrabber will be a perfect solution. This gadget allows to learn how the computer was used during the owner‘s absence. This piece of spy gear records texts typed on chats and Internet communicators, sending thorough reports to a specified email address – nothing will evade the owner‘s attention.
How to protect your other belongings? Detective Store offers minicameras concealed in everyday appliances, allowing anyone to find a suitable model. A camera hidden e.g. in a USB flash drive can monitor the room during the student‘s absence, looking completely inconspicuous.
On your way to college
The academic year begins in autumn, when the days are growing shorter. Most university facilities are located in large cities. Walking their streets after dark might be dangerous, especially to female students. A self defense spray or gel may be a purchase worth considering.
These small, handy gadgets might prove very helpful! In contact with skin, eyes and airways, the spray causes severe itching and temporary irritation, effectively incapacitating the assailant for some time, giving you the opportunity to run or call for help.
The gel is less susceptible to gusts of wind or other weather conditions. Moreover, it offers a much longer effective range and the ability to aim the stream more precisely. Additionally, some gels contain UV dye, allowing to identify the assailant easily later on. Self defence gel is a perfect choice for autumn-winter season!
Personal information protection
Almost every student experienced a situation, where their pictures taken at a late night party were published on one of the popular social media portals. Such situations are best avoided, as everything that finds its way to the Internet stays there for good. Try and refrain from publishing your personal information, such as date of birth or telephone number. Any information you share can be later used against you by basically anyone. Government experts stress the fact that young people tend to use computers, smartphones and tablets very intuitively, paying little attention to their security on the Internet. Identity theft is a major issue over the Internet, since such data can be utilised e.g. to create fake email addresses, or even bank accounts used to take loans!
Study like James Bond
University lectures are a perfect place to use spy gadgets! See our propositions that any student might find useful.
A voice recorder might be helpful, when there is a lot of material to write down, or the lecturer is a really fast speaker. Recorded audio can be easily copied to a computer and used to study for an exam. Keep in mind to ask the lecturer if they allow recording devices in their classes! The voice recorder we recommend can be used not only for studying, but also for recording phone calls (once connected to a phone as a headset).
Vanishing paper will be useful to any student! Taking quick notes has never been easier, and if you want to get rid of them once and for all, just pour any liquid over them.
College studies is a very interesting period in a young person‘s life. However, one should remember about the basic principles of personal data protection, and to ensure the security of their belongings, especially while living in a dorm or a privately rented room.
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