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Effective and handy
Stun gun for self-defence
An alternative to defensive gases are stun guns, which are electric weapons constructed for self-defense.
They provide longer immobilization of the opponent than gases, but also require direct contact between the device and the attacker's body. The small size allows you to have it always at hand, such as in a purse or jacket. The aggressor is immobilized by high electric voltage (20,000 - 500,000V) with very low intensity, which paralyzes the nervous system. Using a stun gun, you are sure to immobilize the attacker for at least several minutes, and during this time you will have time to escape or call for help. Stun guns are safe and apart from temporary pain and paralysis, do not cause harm to your health.
- Stun guns are intended for self-defense. They cannot be used against children, pregnant women, or the elderly and the sick.
- A permit is not required in order to possess a stun gun. However, buyers must be at least 18 years of age.
There are times when we fear for our safety because we live in an area that is considered not very safe, or we often move around after dark, on empty streets. It's a good idea then to stock up on some product for effective self-defense. One of the more common products of this type are stun guns, which are available without a permit. These are devices that fit comfortably in a jacket pocket or purse, so they can be discreetly tucked away and reached when needed. Among the stun guns available at Detective Store, the Zap Light Extreme, which is a combination of an extremely effective stun gun and a bright LED flashlight, deserves special attention.
Zap Light Extreme is an excellent product for self-defense, thanks to the built-in flashlight you can not only find your way more easily, but you can also use it to blind an attacker or an attacking animal. Zap Light Extreme is designed so that it fits very comfortably in the hand, the additional strap facilitates a secure grip. A million-volt voltage stream is emitted from 6 sharp electrodes, which will instantly incapacitate an attacker. The Zap Light Extreme is equipped with a high-quality rechargeable battery that allows you to fire 320 shots from the stun gun or use the flashlight for 3 hours. In a situation where the stun gun discharges, it can still be an effective self-defense tool. The 151 millimeter long hard body and sharp electrodes can be used to strike an attacker. The Zap Light Extreme is manufactured by PSP, an American company specializing in the production of self-defense accessories.
Frequently selected products in this category include: Paralyseur X8 stun gun with flashlight, Power Max stun gun and Scorpy Max stun gun.