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See recommended productsPortable holster for Thermacell devices - for MR150, MR300, MR450
22,86 $ VAT included
Original case, dedicated to Thermacell MR150, MR300 and MR450 devices. The case acts as protection during transport and storage of the repellent. It has a side pocket in which additional cartridges for Thermacell devices can be placed.
The case is available in two color versions: black and khaki.
Availability: On order
56,89 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
45,51 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
56,89 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
34,13 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
51,20 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
68,27 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
12,51 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
14,78 $ (brutto)
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