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See recommended productsFaster file-system extraction - Cellebrite Premium ES
- Unlock iOS and Android devices
- Support for the widest range of device
- Centralized user and fleet management
- Physical and sound full file-system data extraction
Faster file-system extraction - Cellebrite Premium ES
UPS courier. Delivery time: 3-4 working days. Online payment or wire transfer.
UPS-EXPRESS courier. Delivery time: 4 working day. Online payment or wire transfer.
If you are still not sure if this is the product for you, please write to us. We will try to answer as soon as possible.
If you are still not sure if this is the product for you, please write to us. We will try to answer as soon as possible.
Cellebrite Premium ES
Cellebrite Premium ES is an industry-leading, server-based solution that increases the capacity of agency labs to lawfully access a wide range of iOS and Android mobile devices from multiple Cellebrite UFED end points.
Key benefits of Cellebrite Premium ES
Scale up with an agency-wide, enterprise-grade, solution
Flexible packages to meet various agency need
Boost case productivity
Tackle lab backlog by empowering UFED and points with Premium capabilities
Improve operational efficiency - Maintaining chain of custody
Eliminate the need to transfer locked or encrypted devices to a central lab, by securely connecting to a central Premium unit
Get closer to digital policing - Centralized user and fleet management
Combined with Cellebrite Commander, you can better manage your Cellebrite fleet and gain transparency from one simple dashboard
Evidence Analiser - Cellebrite Pathfinder
Availability: Nonavailable
- Organize complex data
- Easily review gathered evidence
- Uncover patterns with AI
- Create comprehensive reports
Forensic software UFED InField Kiosk Ultimate for data extracion from mobile devices
Availability: Available
15 995,21 $ (brutto)
- Logical and physical extraction
- Forensic software is able to generate clear reports
- Identification of 15000 devices
- Specific data extraction
- Simple and intuitive interface
Forensic tool Passware Kit Mobile - decrypts user data from locked mobile devices
Availability: Nonavailable
- Bypass or recovery of passcodes
- Multiple device processing
- App data decryption
- Advanced extraction methods
- Runs on Windows and macOS
Data Extraction System - Cellebrite Inseyets with Getac S410 G4 | Rugged Laptop & Advanced Forensic Capabilities
Availability: Available
- Access to the widest range of devices
- Prepared to start working with Inseyets
- Automation and simplification of the entire examination process
- Decode and analyze larger volumes of data
- Super-efficient so as not to slow down the process
Cloud system Compelson MOBILedit - instant access to data in the cloud, Google Drive
Availability: On order
- Support for several devices simultaneously
- Authorization token
- Report: pdf, html, xml, Excel etc.
- Possible integration with MOBILedit All-In-One Phone
- Connection via token or USB cable
Cellebrite Premium Enterprise - access to critical data on iOS/Android mobile devices
Availability: Available
- Forensic tool
- Data system acquisition
- Messaging and location access
- Compatibility with current versions of systems
- 3 variants subscription
UFED Ultimate License - 1 year
Availability: Available
10 591,11 $ (brutto)
- Mannual license
- UFED Ultimate software
- Physical and logical data extraction
- Monthly updates
- Technical support
Forensic data collection software - Cellebrite Digital Collector | Cross-platform solution for Windows & macOS
Availability: Available
- Cross-platform compatibility with Windows and macOS
- Live and dead box imaging for comprehensive data acquisition
- Selective data extraction for targeted forensic collection
- Support for Apple T2 chip and Fusion Drives
- RAM capture from live systems for real-time analysis
UFED Touch2 Ultimate - Professional cell phone analyzer with an annual licence
Availability: On order
13 710,18 $ (brutto)
- Fast and powerful computing engine
- Physical and logical data extraction from mobile phones
- UFED Touch Ultimate supports more than 4000 different devices
- Intuitive user interface, large touchscreen
- used by both forensics scientist and intelligence services
Forensic tool Passware Kit Ultimate - the all-in-one forensic decryption solution
Availability: Nonavailable
- Recovery of passcodes for mobile devices
- Device Decryption Add-on
- Full disk decryption
- Live memory analysis
- GPU acceleration & distributed computing
Fingerprint and biological evidence visualisation system - results in 20 seconds, high performance
Availability: Available
- AIE induced luminescence technology
- Blue laser light 5 W
- Operating time: 2h
- Weight (with accessories): 0,5 kg
- Analysis: 5-20 seconds
Positioning device Septier Hunter for GSM and UTMS activity monitoring
Availability: Available
- Smartphone controlled
- Geographic detection layers
- Positioning from 1,5 km
- ncreased range and interference resistance
- Real-time preview
UFED TK - The rugged mobile forensic tactical kit
Availability: Available
- Complex digital forensic platform UFED TK
- Highly resistant - complies with MLT-STD standard
- Excellent battery life
- User-friendly interface
- Mechanism of analysis of all kinds of data
Forensic tool Passware Kit Forensic - complete encrypted electronic evidence discovery solution
Availability: Nonavailable
- Password recovery for over 360 file types
- GPU acceleration & resource management
- Live memory analysis
- Intelligent detection
- Decryption of FDE
Oxygen Forensic Kit Rugged - portable tool for mobile phone data recovery
Availability: On order
17 707,86 $ (brutto)
- Oxygen Forensic Kit performs profesional data analysis from telephones
- Advanced programming solutions
- Remote and convenient design
- Available in two versions
- Advanced tool for investigative computing
Cellebrite Advanced Mobile Forensic Training - an advanced course in data extraction and the UFED systems
Availability: Available
- Practical skills
- Adjustable agenda
- Remote or stationary
- Forensic Labs
- Conducted by experts