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Our online store switched to a new IT infrastucture on February 23, 2023. Old accounts created before 23.02.2023 still work and you can easily log in using your old access data. However, your purchase history from before 23.02.2023 is no longer visible in your accounts. If, as an old customer, you need your data for previous orders (placed before 23.02.2023), please contact us by email.
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See recommended productsSafe and easy to use disposable breathalyser by Certen. The product has been awarded prestigious awards and certificates, such as the American FDA and the Polish Institute of Hygiene. This small breathalyser is an essential accessory for every driver. The breathalyser displays the result after a few minutes on a zero-one basis, i.e. either the blood alcohol level has been exceeded or it has not.
Availability: Available
57,26 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
19,46 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
11,45 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
Availability: Available
68,71 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
20,61 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
515,42 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
607,06 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
Availability: Available
40,08 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
Availability: Available
80,17 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
28,62 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
22,90 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
34,35 $ (brutto)
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