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See recommended productsiTrack locator - find phone, Bluetooth, key locator
21,92 $ VAT included
The iTrack Bluetooth Locator is a multi-purpose and easy-to-use product that will ensure you don't lose important items.
The iTrack works by exchanging signals between the device and a paired phone via Bluetooth.
"find phone
"search nerby"
dust and sand
about 8 months
Thanks to the handy size of the location-finding gadget, you can hide iTrack anywhere - in your wallet, key ring, by your dog's collar or the inner pocket of an elderly person.
The device works when connected to your phone via a free and easy-to-use app for Android and iOS The location where the signal was last recorded can be displayed on the iTrack Easy app map.
The "find phone" option will help you find your smartphone. When you press the button on the locator, the paired device will start ringing (even if its sound is muted). On the other hand, "search nearby" activates radar that will lead you to the missing item.
You can track several iTrack Easy devices on one account. Personalizing them (giving them a name, photo, etc.) will help you quickly find out where the items or people you need are.
iTrack locator specifications | |
Connectivity | Bluetooth 4.0 |
Power supply | CR2032 battery |
Protection class | IP 66 |
Weight | 7,8 g |
Dimensions | 36 × 36 × 6 mm |
Availability: Available
Availability: Available
15,12 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
10,08 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
21,76 $ (brutto)
Availability: On order
Availability: Available
370,43 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
44,67 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
7,56 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
47,88 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
42,84 $ (brutto)
Availability: Available
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