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See recommended productsSpyPhone 3in1 – Symbian phones surveillance
299,64 $ VAT included
SpyPhone software is a product created for discreet monitoring of mobile phones.
It was designed to supervise the device without interfering with its proper functioning and comfort of use. SpyPhone is a very discreet tool with very intuitive operation which will allows you to communicate with the phone and control its functioning.
It allows for 'live' listening-in on the conversation between the SpyPhone device and any other user. Establishing a connection from the supervising phone with the SpyPhone device allows to join the conversation and listen to it in real time.
Enables recording and sending all the conversations from the phone to a user defined e-mail address.
Notices about incoming and outgoing connections, together with phone numbers.
Allows to listen to sounds in the phone’s surroundings within 5 meters range. The operation is performed by intiating a connection from the supervising phone which, triggers the built-in microphone. Functioning is completely undetectable on the target phone, no incoming connection is visible which guarantees 100% of discretion and safety.
Sending copies of all messages along with the phone number of sender/receiver.
Allows to track the phone number using the transmitter the cell phone connects to. The Internet contains data bases which allow to determine the approximate geographical location.
SMS messages with information about turning the phone on or changing the SIM card.
Checks the correctness of functioning of the software and its individual functions.
Remote reset of the target phone.
Operating the SpyPhone telephone, issuing commands and listening in on conversations and ambient sounds is conducted with the use of a pre-defined supervising number. After running the software once, it is not necessary to manipulate the target device any more, because all the reports are sent to the pre-defined e-mail address and all the operations are conducted remotely via SMS commands. It guarantees full discretion and safety of using, even if the operator does not have direc access to the supervised phone!
The software is matched to every model to be fully compatible with the device. Cooperation with the system does not affect the functionality of the phone. A single program is assigned to an individual IMEI number specific for every phone (it is displayed after dialing *#06# on the keyboard).
Incorrect IMEI makes the installation of the software impossible!
Installation of the SpyPhone software is performed in a way standard for applications. The package contains detailed user’s manual in English which will guide you through the installation process. The entire procedure takes about 1-2 minutes. In case of any problems concerning functioning and installation, our employees are there for you on the telephone support service.
On client’s demand the installation may be performed by our employees. To do this, you need to contact us via telephone and provide the telephone on which SpyPhone is to be installed. All the functions and correct functioning will be checked on site and the device will be ready to use immediately.
The software is constantly being to provide the highest comfort of using, safety and failure-free operation to our customers.
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Availability: Available
2 809,45 $ (brutto)
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341,61 $ (brutto)
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5 859,96 $ (brutto)
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338,07 $ (brutto)
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