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<h2><span class="icon-stop"></span>Inspection cameras</h2>
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<p>Access to any place</p>
<h2>Cameras for inspection of places difficult to reach</h2>
<p>Another name is a <strong>borescope</strong>. Inspection cameras are constructed to record places which are <strong>difficult to reach</strong>, e.g. hidden parts of an engine, sewage systems behind a wall and so on. Reliable and well constructed, they are perfect for mechanics, inspectors, plumbers and in every profession which deals with places which are difficult to reach.</p>
<p>The chief asset of such solution is an objective placed at the end of <strong>flexible wire</strong>. The cable has a perfect stiffnes to <strong>operate it easily</strong>. It is also <strong>waterproof</strong> and protects the camera perfectly. LED diodes placed at the end light the target and the camera itself can record every detail with great precision. Such cameras have also all the functions which are present in cameras of different type: microSD memory cards, photos capturing or removable screen.</p>
<p>Detective Store offers <strong>GosCam borescopes</strong> – certified and tested brand which offers professional equipment for monitoring, including safety cameras, child monitoring and inspection cameras. Our offer also includes Fiber cameras for discreet observation.</p>
<p>In the category of inspection cameras, which are designed to inspect hard-to-reach places such as sewer systems, it is worth paying attention to a professional model, which is undoubtedly the<a href="https://www.detective-store.com/endoscope-camera-videoscope-laserliner-plus-with-9mm-lens-and-15-zoom-for-inspection-of-hard-to-reach-places--1479.html"> VideoSope Laserliner Plus</a>. The product is available at Detective Store and can be purchased at a really competitive price. This inspection camera features great build quality, professional optics, a 9mm zoom lens and an interesting finish, as well as ease of use. The 2 m cable allows you to reach places that are practically inaccessible: located in the plumbing system, in cracks in walls, as well as cables in the car. Such a device will prove useful during all household faults and breakdowns, in detective work and even in a car workshop.</p>
<p>A great advantage and interesting solution is the fact that the small lens is additionally equipped with LEDs, which illuminate places devoid of any light source. The image from the inspection camera is displayed in real time on a special screen, which additionally informs the user about the power supply status. It is possible to connect an external, larger screen, which will be useful e.g. for detailed analysis of the recording. The inspection camera and screen are protected against moisture and dust (IP67). The recorded footage (photos and videos) is stored on memory cards with a capacity of up to 8 GB. It is worth noting that this equipment can be purchased at a reasonable price.</p>
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<h2><span class="icon-stop"></span>X-Ray luggage scanners</h2>
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<p>Airport inspection of baggage and parcels</p>
<p><strong>X-ray luggage scanners</strong> are primarily a tool to fight crime. The device scans all kinds of luggage, parcels and other packages without a need for opening them. A wide range of image processing functions allows to distinguish individual materials, and the possibility of inspecting the image in real time gives you additional opportunities to look at suspicious objects. A well-trained operator is able to accurately distinguish particular items and react quickly in case of a threat. The X-ray luggage scanner is an uncompromising tool for open control and inspection at airports, or control employees from industrial plants. The X-ray luggage scanners are able to inspect many items in a short period of time and are relatively easy to use.</p>
<h3>The main features of X-ray scanners for luggage and parcel inspection</h3>
<li>full mobility</li>
<li>control without unpacking the package</li>
<li>efficient operation</li>
<li>real-time image preview</li>
<li>contrasting color palettes</li>
<li>safe for health</li>
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<h2><span class="icon-stop"></span>CCTV monitoring for wireless surveillance</h2>
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<p>Analog and IP cameras</p>
<p><strong>CCTV closed circuit television</strong> is one of the simplest and most common systems enabling <b>24/7 video monitoring</b> carried out with one or even several hundred cameras simultaneously. There are two types of systems:</p>
<li><strong>Analog CCTV system</strong></li>
<li><strong>IP surveillance system</strong></li>
<p>Analog CCTV system, unlike IP surveillance system, guarantees a better quality image from longer distances, even from 500 m in Full HD quality. IP surveillance systems are more complex and require constant internet access while offering better image quality at short distances. CCTV systems are an excellent, stationary security for both companies and individual clients for monitoring homes and private properties.</p>
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<h2><span class="icon-stop"></span>Metal detectors</h2>
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<p>Detect potentially dangerous objects</p>
<h2>Metal detectors</h2>
<p>Metal detectors are devices that utilise electromagnetic induction to detect metal objects. First metal detectors, constructed by Polish engineers during II World War, were used to detect landmines. Currently such instruments are utilised in a number of applications – from security to detection of potentially dangerous objects, e.g. in order to prevent bringing firearms into bank buildings, courts or mass events. They are often used at archaeological sites or to localise cable installations within buildings.</p>
<p>Detective Store offers a broad range of detectors for personal inspection, from small handheld devices to stationary walk-through detector gates, often utilised at airports or prisons. All of the aforementioned devices pose no health risk and are completely harmless to the environment.</p>
<p>Metal detectors are extremely versatile devices. They can be used for entertainment purposes, such as searching for lost coins on the beach. But they are also useful in much more serious situations, such as detecting weapons or prohibited items hidden in luggage or pockets of people entering e.g. mass events. Thanks to metal detectors you can also significantly increase the level of safety for yourself and your visitors in the office or at home. Among the metal detectors available in at Detective Store, the Garret Pro-Pointer AT detector with LED light. It is a portable device, its small size and weight of only 200g allows for easy transport.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.detective-store.com/metal-detector-kit-garrett-pro-pointer-at-with-shovel-and-bag-1078.html">Garret Pro-Pointer AT detectors</a> are highly sensitive and shock-resistant. They are equipped with sensors detecting ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metals, which definitely increases its functionality. With its use it is possible to detect really small metal fragments hidden in the ground or in luggage. The Garrett metal detector is operated with the use of one button, the rest happens automatically. Automatic calibration allows for instant adjustment of the detector to environmental conditions. The powerful LED torch allows you to search at night. An additional advantage appreciated by customers is the colour - the orange Garret Pro-Pointer AT is easy to find if you put it down for a moment e.g. in the grass during a field search. It is also 100% waterproof, so you can also use it for underwater searches.</p>